The Overflowing Cup Total Life Center A Christian Coffee House Ministry 1175 Madison Road Beloit, WI 53512-1075 Phone:(608)-365-0365 |
Ministry e-mail: ofctlc (at) overflowingcup (dot) org Booking e-mail: booking (at) overflowingcup (dot) org |
Welcome to the Program Information Website for The Overflowing Cup Total Life Center. | |
1175 Madison Rd |
Coming Soon: 939 Liberty Ave. |
NOTE: Versions of DuckDuckGo, Microsoft Edge and the Chrome browser, 119 or later, print the entire page instead of just the schedule. Document does currently display and print properly in Mozilla Firefox. |
The Overflowing Cup Total Life Center 1175 Madison Road PO Box 1075 Beloit, WI 53512-1075 Phone: (608) 365-0365 "What the World Needs is Jesus!" |